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some kind words from my wonderful students,
shared with their permission

Sarah’s understanding nature, patient teaching style and warm personality, make her classes a welcoming and rejuvenating experience that I look forward to each week. I’m continuously inspired and motivated by Sarah’s knowledge of yoga and passion for making a positive difference in people’s day. 


Yoga with Sarah is the equivalent of putting on your favourite cosy clothes, whilst sipping on the most deliciously comforting and expertly created hot chocolate! She warms your soul. An hour of Sarah lightens all the heaviness of the day or night - plus, I seem to come away with new knowledge, be it a little phrase, or a mini mantra to pop in my head and call to action whenever I need it! 


I haven’t slept so well in years as after your yoga nidra workshop on Saturday! 


I’ve been a yoga student now for 20 years having experienced different teachers and classes all around the world and I know how important the teacher is to the enjoyment of a class. 


To me a good teacher puts the students first and the ego doesn’t appear. 

Sarah is one such teacher. 

Sometimes that is rare in the “hip” yoga world!


She has a wonderful blend of skill, understanding, empathy and calm. Her beautiful tone of voice and pace is always perfect. Each class is uniquely tailored to the group. No matter what one’s age, ability or gender, I have seen that Sarah always manages to put people at ease.


I personally feel supported and “met’ and stretched in the most caring of ways. 

Sarah has a sweet, kind, humour. Her classes are wholly life affirming and the perfect tonic in these challenging times. 


With her wide knowledge and deep understanding of yoga,  Sarah is able to present interesting classes that often evolve with the seasons of the year and are clearly well planned. 


Suitable for all levels of ability,  Sarah uses her experience and understanding to adapt for those in the class with differing levels of experience, and presents with clear instruction. 


Sarah’s positive energy and natural warmth lends to the creation of a calm and relaxing environment - the perfect space for yoga and this has been my most enjoyable yoga class to date.  As I move away from the UK it is with sadness that I leave this class behind, thank you not only for the yoga Sarah but for your kindness and humour.  Namaste 🙏 


Goodness this morning did me the power of good! I got so much out of today, thank you so much. 


Sarah has such a wonderful aura of tranquility and at the end of class we all feel so calm and chilled out.  I wish I had a class with her every day.  I have met a few wonderful yoga instructors but Sarah eclipses them all.  Sarah has a great spirit and her gentle humour and confident manner makes an instant connection with everyone. 


Your classes are so so great. It's like an hour of playtime to go slow and move in different ways, mixed in with a bit of a giggle and some fun facts. It's all so lush and does me so much good. Keep it coming please! 


I started ‘flirting’ with yoga as something to do during the first lockdown in March - Sarah has ensured that I now look forward to the zoom sessions. Initially I was sceptical about how much I could physically do as some of the positions seemed way too ‘bendy’ but I realised that didn’t actually matter as no one was judging me and I could work at my own pace. Sarah is always encouraging and very wise for her age. Many thanks for the enjoyable, inspiring and always challenging sessions!


Thank you as always - I genuinely had the best night's sleep I've had in ages! We feel stretched and toned to perfection - it really is the highlight of the week.  


That was a beautifully taught class, thanks again. On a personal note, just what I need at this stage in my life. A wonderful way to connect back into yoga - from a different perspective... 


Sarah’s private yoga classes are just perfect for me, since I have a scoliosis so need postures tailored to my abilities (and age!).  Sarah is a very experienced yoga teacher, who not only brings a sense of calm into my very busy life, but is very sensitive, empathetic and intuitive of my needs.  Private classes mean that Sarah can monitor me carefully, and will adapt any postures accordingly, depending on how my back’s feeling on any given day. 


Sarah conveys a really positive energy and after a session with her, I always feel positive, energised and ready for the day ahead. 


Having practiced yoga for many, many years, I was open and curious to finding out about a new local teacher.  I opted for one of Sarah's regular sessions where Sarah takes a deep dive approach to a 3 hour Saturday afternoon practice, built around a seasonal theme.  I was amazed at how warm, friendly and inclusive Sarah is as an instructor. 


She makes sure everyone is well supported, her instruction is clear and her knowledge and approach to yoga is wonderful!  Every attention to detail is given from restorative lavender eye pillows to a welcome chunk of good dark chocolate as a parting gift to a long session.  What I love about yoga is that I never stop learning. 


With Sarah, I feel I have discovered a new local teacher who is highly skilled at not only teaching yoga postures, but is clearly skilled at creating a space that is safe, comfortable and spiritual to practice yoga  one with others.  Sarah's a very special yoga teacher! 


I have been enjoying Yoga with Sarah for the last year and experienced both in person session and lately online sessions. Her soothing, calm voice whisks you away from what is preoccupying your mind allowing you to deeply relax and enjoy the yoga. I leave each session with renewed vitality and always have just the best sleep that night. totally recommend this most perfect yoga/meditation blend.


Sarah always greets us individually at our yoga practice sessions with warmth and humour, checking in on our wellbeing and I have deeply appreciated this in this most isolating of years.  


Each session, Sarah takes us on a journey from quiet, gentle movement and stretches to strong poses completely effortlessly with clear instruction; I’ve often thought 'how did I end up here!' Then she completes the journey by bringing us back to exquisite calm and relaxation but also feeling very energised for the rest of the day ahead.  There is a wonderful flow and pace to the class.  


I love practising yoga with Sarah!  Thank you for keeping me flexible and stretched, and for your care and kindness.


My visits to SCY Studio for one-to-ones with Sarah have helped give me structure and focus at a time when the days, weeks and months were blurring into one long lockdown. 


Sarah’s studio is a haven - a warm, nourishing and thoughtfully curated space. Walking in feels like letting out a big sigh of relief. One of my favourite things about practising with Sarah is that her workshops are a sensory dream, with sound baths, essential oils, warm eye pillows and carefully selected poems and meditations to guide us through the practise. In a busy, bustling and restless world, it feels powerful for someone to offer you time, and Sarah manages to gently still the desire to rush.


Her practice is so responsive and I feel able to be myself in the moment and feel what I’m feeling. I trust her.


I leave our sessions feeling fortified, calm, and open to the week ahead.


Everything about Sarah’s style of teaching resonates with me which is why I enjoy practising with her so much. 


The calming voice, the extensive knowledge and the support that’s offered throughout each practice is invaluable and leaves me feeling wonderfully relaxed and rejuvenated. 


I have been practising yoga for many years and was fortunate enough to meet Sarah when she covered a class a couple of summers ago.  I really look forward to seeing her each week, always happy and positive and I am so impressed by the thought she gives to the preparation for every class. 


You never know what to expect - it is always different. It has been a difficult year for everyone but Sarah has helped us all keep going through the highs and lows. Namaste


Thanks to Sarah I have discovered the total joy of both Yin and Restorative Yoga.


The challenge of learning to allow yourself to sink within and to be still has been the absolute highlight of 2020 for me.


The anxiety of the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing uncertainty we all face has meant that my sessions with Sarah have become anchors in these turbulent times.


Sarah guides you through every shape, every possible option of each shape and "holds the space open " for you which means that you can sink into your practise knowing that she will tell you when to move again-or give you the option to stay put!


Sarah has created a really lovely virtual community in our Zoom classes with her warm, caring and inclusive nature, coupled with a healthy sense of humour and the refusal to be too prescriptive about how shapes look, "it's all about the feel".


I cannot recommend Sarah's classes highly enough and am absolutely thrilled to have not only found her but to have been able to get to know her and I am looking forward to continuing my Yin and Restorative journey with her.


Sarah is a brilliant yoga teacher with a relaxed, fun outlook who has produced immediate results.


It took me a long time (too long) to realise that as an ultra-runner of a certain age, with a history of injury and a bad back, yoga was likely to help. Like many I’d become convinced that I wasn’t flexible enough to do it - quite a leap in confused thinking.


Having explained what results I was after Sarah produced (and continues to do so) excellent tailored sessions - accommodating as required what I can’t do, albeit my lack of balance has proved a cause for much humour. 


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